Welcome to week 2 of the April 2018 A to Z Blog Challenge.  I started week one with brain function related to memory, and I will do the same with week 2.

Today, let’s learn a little bit about the hippocampus.  We have to start with the name (since it makes me  think of horses and hippos).  And that’s not far off.  The hippocampus is Greek for seahorse, and so-named  because it looks like one.

Next little known fact (at least for me).  We don’t have one, but two hippocampi, one on each side of the brain.  You can see it in the diagram below. Part of the limbic system, the hippocampi have two broad functions: 1) consolidating information from short-term to long-term memory; and 2) managing spatial memory which allows us to navigate.

Given this role, we can see how dramatically damage to the hippocampus might affect us.  In Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia, the hippocampus is the first region of the brain effected.   Anterograde amnesia (when a person cannot form new memories–think 50 First Dates) results from extreme damage to this area of the brain.

I must admit that traveling into the research on the brain, it reminds of how miraculous we really are, and just how little we know about ourselves?

What do you think?


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