I was sorry to miss last week’s Long and Short Reviews Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge. I was dealing with some health issues but I’ve recovered. This week’s topic is recent topics I’ve googled. Truthfully, this will be a pretty boring post because my googling of late has been to address stuff going on in my life. Here’s what my life looks like through the lens of google.

  1. Health sites. Being sick, I started by googling symptoms, then medicine interactions and side effects once I got a prescription, followed by diet and nutrition to eat foods that would help me heal. Of course, once I got sick, my daughter got sick, which sent me back to all the health sites.
  2. Richmond, VA. I’m moving to Richmond this summer, so I’m looking for a place to live and virtually visiting neighborhoods. I am also spending a lot of time on google maps and street view trying to understand where different home options are in the city, distance to parks (I have a dog), bus stops and coffee shops.

I’m eager to read the choices of the other Blog Hop participants. Join me as I visit their posts.

My soon to be new home

IStock Credit: Sean Pavone

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