Thank you for all who visited on last week’s Long and Short Reviews Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge. This week’s topic is the fictional character we’d would most like to meet. I’ve got a few, and there is a theme. I want to meet people who can see the world in unique ways, have had to overcome pain and heartache and sacrificed because of who they were, who they become, and the place they hold in their world. In alphabetical order of first name or title, here they are.

  1. Albus Dumbledore of Harry Potter fame. While he may actually turn out to be a seer, with the ability to see the future, he really does see the world and people in deep and complex ways. I’d love to sit down with him and really get into how he understands the world, and the wisdom he’s learned from his talents and his mistakes.
  2. Dr. Who, in any of his or her forms. Because what haven’t they seen, felt or lived through?.
  3. Red Sonja, a Robert Howard heroine from the Conan universe. She learned to make it as a woman in fully male world, so she has a lot to share. I must stress, however, I want to meet the Red Sonja from the books and comics, not the movie.
  4. Storm, the super hero name of Ororo Munroe, and my all time favorite X-man. Storm controls the weather, giving her a unique and special bond to the earth. In an era of climate change, her insights would be unparalleled.

I’m eager to read the choices of the other Blog Hop participants. Join me as I visit their posts.

Just for fun, photos from the Harry Potter film set in the UK. I got the chance to visit a number of years ago. It was a lot of fun. Lighting was not great and I had a much older phone then. Not the best photos, but you get the idea.

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