Thank you for all who visited on last week’s Long and Short Reviews Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge. This week’s topic is our favorite outdoor/nature activities.

I wish it were gardening. I dream of a house surrounded by beautiful flowers, with fat, ripe fruits and vegetables growing in the backyard. I’ve not had the time in my life to be a serious gardener, nor really the right home.

I also wish it were animal photography, because I adore animals, and being around them. A life finding and capturing our furry friends for posterity sounds so worthwhile and so satisfying.

So, now that I have my retirement goals set, here is what I do now. I’m sure I’m not alone but the things I enjoy doing outside are walking the dog, drinking a pint of beer or glass of wine at an outdoor table overlooking the water (a margarita would also work), and hiking, although I do very little of the last two lately. Walking the dog is the one I do most, for obvious reasons. That’s her below. Isn’t she lovely?

Thanks for dropping by. Make sure to visit all the other bloggers participating in the blog hop.

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