Thank you to those who stopped by last week. Welcome to a new Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday.  This week I am continuing to share my WIP from last week. Tentatively called The Discarded, the story takes place in the future, after a great environmental devastation. The world splintered into guilders who live in wealthy, protected cities, procreate through genetic engineering, and have developed telepathic abilities and the Tribers who live in the wild, foraging for food and clean water. The Tribers were on the verge of destroying each other, when the Lore, a contract dressed up as a prophecy emerged, promising a savior and lay down laws to govern coexistence. The Discarded is the story of the arrival of the savior.

Here is the last phrase from last week. “…until he imagined he could smell he superiority of her.”

“I cannot allow this, Anya.” Chakir said under his breath. He had taken to speaking to his dead wife as a way to get through the interminable days with his mother.  His father had long ago retreated into his own world, disappearing for weeks at a time on hunting trips, more than required by tribal law. Chakir stopped hunting after he met Anya. Although he had once been one of the best of the Shade hunters, he no longer had a taste for killing. Love can do that to a man.

“I must tell her,” he said again to the ghost of his wife, who lived permanently in his heart and tattooed onto his eyes. He could only see the world through Anya’s ghost. He watched Lordes because he knew she would have wanted him to. “Tonight. I will do it tonight.”

That evening, Chakir did as he always did and sneaked into his daughter’s room to read her a story. Not from the Lore but from the literature that existed in the before times – before the Frenzy and the Lore.  He lived for this ritual, this one moment in the day where his daughter belonged only to him.

Make sure to check out the snippets from all the amazing writers at Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday.

IStock Credit: ratpack223

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