We are coming to the end of the April 2020 A to Z Blog Challenge .

For this post, I am updating  a post I did for the 1018 A to Z challenge, because this posted looked at how a people integrate memory into cultural ceremony.   Yahrzeit is a yiddish term for an anniversary we observe on the day of a person’s death.  Year-mind is just a 15th century word that was used to refer to any anniversary or memorial. When world building, we are reminded of how important annual remembrances, celebrations and anniversaries are to building a cohesive culture that binds (or separates) people within a world. 

IStock Credit: KZenon

The idea that we regularly mark a day of emotional importance–be it grief or joy–reminds us how much we need these rituals to create meaning and coherence into:

Our Personal Relationships

IStock Credit: bernardboto

and into the structure of our societies.

IStock Credit: Bill Chizek

Grief, celebration and cultural memory create a common narrative on which society hinges.  When those disappear, or don’t exist, it is hard for people to build enduring bonds that sustain under challenge and threat. 

Visit all the bloggers participating on the A to Z Challenge.

2 Replies to “Yahrzeit and Year-mind Revisited #AtoZChallenge”

    • That makes sense, to recognize shelter at home as a major life event. It is. Day 50, that’s a number. Hard to believe sometimes, and yet it here it.

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