Happy new year. Welcome to the first Marketing for Romance Writers’ (MFRW) Monthly Blog hop.  As we wander into the new year, still under Covid 19 lockdown, it can useful to look at last year with fresh eyes. For me, I spent a lot of time looking for silver linings in a world being turned upside down.  My inventive way to keep warm is one of those silver lining stories.

Let’s begin in March, when suddenly I found myself working from home with a teen-ager in the next room attending virtual school. Social live seemed to be eliminated. At least, physical ones. The first silver lining I discovered was that since my social life moved to zoom calls, that meant there were no physical borders.  So a Friday night, now virtual, happy hour could be with anyone, anywhere. So I started hanging out with friends from across the country. During one of those “outings,” the conversation turned to masks, which at that point were hard to come by. A friend of mine from Denver pulled out what she called a Buff, which is multifunctional headwear also known as a neck gaiter that has 12 different uses. Three of those function serve as masks. Take a look.

I bought one, which brings us to silver lining number two. Because they are made for outdoor uses and can be carried simply by wearing it loosely around your neck, the gaiter has become my new keep-me-warm-and-safe accessory.  I started wearing it to walk the dog because masks are required, but I rarely meet that many folks when dog walking. With the gaiter around my neck, I could walk mask free and enjoy the fresh air. But when another dog walker or jogger got near, I quickly lifted it to cover my nose and mouth. And when it got too cold, I turned it into a hood, to add warmth for my outside activities.

The gaiter works inside too. I toss it around my neck for added warmth. It also provides the same immediate mask protection when I have workmen at the house. I can sit and work without a mask, but then pull up the gaiter to chat with them.

And the final silver lining – wearable art.  One of my favorite artists, Lebo, turned his art into neck gaiters. How cool is that.  Maybe your favorite artist does too. Check it out.

By Lebo

Thanks for visiting.  Please hop over to all the other fabulous writers and their inventive ways for keeping warm here.

5 Replies to “The Go-To Gaiter #MFRWAuthor”

  • One of my sons uses gaiters as masks. But my daughter, the teacher and gym-rat, says that if you can blow a match or candle out wearing it, it’s not protecting you like it needs to. Since April I’ve been sewing masks for family and friends. I’ve sold a few also. I make them with 3 layers of fabric, and top and bottom ties. I don’t like the ear-elastic, because it always stretches, then you have to keep pulling it back up over your nose. With mine, I tie the bottom around the back of my neck, then loop the top ties over my ears and tie them under my chin. That way I can easily leave it around my neck, then pull the ties up around my ears and have it at the ready whenever I need it.

    I don’t have original artwork, like that gorgeous one you show. But I try to find amusing, whimsical patterns to make the masks from.

  • Wow, I never knew they were called gaiters. They are indeed a great way to keep warm. So versatile! How do you find wearing one as a hood? Does it not get a bit tight? (Maybe I just have a big head)

  • What a great post and idea! It’s such a pain when I go out to remember to carry a mask with me, while with a gaiter I can just have it with my outdoor wear. Thanks for sharing!

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