Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Long and Short Review Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge

Today’s theme is what sparks my creativity. The answer is not a simple one. There are several things that help me.

First, discipline. The muse can be trained. Research and experience have taught me that when writing, if you do it on a regular schedule, you build creativity as a habit. That does not mean that everything we do during those regular time of creativity is great, but it keeps the muse moving. That adds to creativity. Many great writers, artists, inventors and innovators have been highly disciplined. As Edison said, “Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.”

Second, is help. I feel very creative when I am engaging with others in brainstorming and problem solving efforts. We play off of each other, and inspire new heights of thinking.

Third, and I got this from Julia Cameron’s The Artist Way is to fill the well. We need to be feeding our creativity through what she calls artist dates, which are what each person likes to do to refresh themselves. Its a version of wellness, but creation needs feeding, and it needs to be intentional.

Fourth, an eclectic set of interests. I like lots of things, and do lots of things. That variety cross pollinates how I think about any one thing, and adds to creative energy.

Finally, I am really interested in future thinking, and following trends and signals to understand where the world is going and what that means for our future. This is a very creative process for understanding the world around me, and leads to a lot of pretty incredible ideas. Futuring requires to think behind the assumptions we have about our world today, to understand what the world will be in 10 or 20 or 30 years.

Happy Wednesday.

Please visit the other bloggers participating in the Long and Short Wednesday Blogging Challenge. I always learn from their wisdom.

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