Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Long and Short Review Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge

Today’s theme is what we thought of Santa Claus as a kid.

The easy answer is not much since I’m Jewish and don’t celebrate Christmas. But you can’t really avoid Christmas and Santa even if you don’t celebrate. Santa to me is a holiday ritual without any real or spiritual meaning. One of my favorite movies is Miracle on 34th Street. Watching annually around Christmas and Hanukkah is a person tradition. I really value the hope and magic built into that film. You never really know if Kris is Santa or a just a nice old man, but it does not matter because its about faith and belief.

I’ve had fun decorating trees with friends, baking holiday cookies using Christmas and Hanukkah cookie cutters, took my daughter when she was young to be photographed with Santa in the mall, sent holiday cards and got stuck in mile long lines buying last minute Christmas gifts. Santa to me is part of a winter season that reminds us to believe and have faith in something bigger than ourselves. Nuff said.

Happy Wednesday and have a very happy holiday season.

Please visit the other bloggers participating in the Long and Short Wednesday Blogging Challenge. I always learn from their wisdom.

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