I am back for my second Long and Short Review Wednesday Blog Hop. Thank you to everyone who visited last week.

Today’s topic is a book, movie or tv show that influenced your life. I can’t pick just one so I opted for books that I return to again and again because they continue to speak to the parts of me that need to listen and be heard.

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle

Meg Murray, the heroine, made alienation cool. An outsider in her family and at school,  she was my geek heroine before the word geek hit mainstream.  Not only did the story itself peak my interest, but for the first time, I felt that I was not alone.  I may follow my own drummer, but I needed to know that there were other one-person bands out there I might be able to connect with at some point.  I still read it when I am feeling outside, and want to see in again.

If On a Winter’s Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino

When a writer like Calvino, who ripped convention into shreds and pushed the boundaries of creativity, penned a homage to readers, it is a tale like no other.  In a feast of changing styles and narrative forms,  Calvino memorialized the relationship between writer and reader in a book that had me turning pages, giggling and thinking non-stop. It is the  book I have gifted the most to others over the course of my life.

No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre

Yes, this book is a downer. After all it brought us the line “hell is other people.”  I come back to it as a reminder that our own choices and our willingness (or unwillingness) to change ultimately determines the degree of happiness we allow in our lives. Heavy? You bet. We all have those moments, and this book captures it.

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

So not to end this on a down note, my last selection is a children’s book, that I adore to this day. In few words and elegant drawings, Sendak shined a star on rebellion as a font of creativity, unconditional love as our source of strength and the need of the explorer to have a home to return to.  Not to mention the importance of having fun.

What most influences you–something that makes you cry, smile, or scream?

Thanks for dropping by. You can visit all the other bloggers participating on the blog hop here. Enjoy.

IStock Photo Credit: Iuliia Zavalishina

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