Welcome to week 12 of Marketing for Romance Authors 52 week blog hop challenge.  Each week, a lovely group of romance authors blog on a common theme. Today we discuss our strengths.  Visit them all here.

I have two:  my creativity and my problem-solving capabilities. My left and right brains work well together.

I can dream big and set the vision.


And I can logically (and intuitively) figure out how to implement.


In a sense, my real strength is that I can do both.  I think it is the combination of these skills that mark writers.

Do you agree?  How do your strengths combine to support your dreams or vocations?

8 Replies to “The One Two Punch #MFRWauthor #amwriting”

  • I guess you would be correct in saying that writers should be able to do both. We do create these stories from nothing and then have to plan and figure out how to bring them to life. As we saw in last week’s posts, we don’t go about it the same way, but in the end we all get it done.

    • It is amazing how we all have such different processes, but in the end we have to weave together plot, character, emotion, that works at the 500,000 feet level and all the details have to be correct, and in the right order. Being an author is awesome. And hard. But mostly awesome.

    • Yes, it is. Writing is one area where that is made abundantly clear. You can’t pull together all the threads needed for a good story without them both.

  • As a writer, these are both hard to do, but necessary. I can see the big picture, but sometimes find it difficult to figure out all the tiny details.

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