I am loving the question for the 10th week of the MFRW Blog challenge—our seven guilty pleasures. Visit the other bloggers here.  I’m going to focus on those pleasures that we can indulge in guilt-free (Yes,yes we can).  And not only are they guilt-free, they sprinkle a touch of indulgence and a momentary escape to keep us going throughout the realities of every day.

Credit: takoburito
Credit: Pavliha

That first cup of coffee in the morning. Hot, decadent silk that slithers down your threat, teasing your senses and getting your body ready to face the day.

A morning walk, with or without the dog, before the work day begins.  Fresh air, heart pumping, clears the cob webs from the brain.

That ruby red glass of wine after dinner when curled on the couch, marking the transition from work to home. Its rich bite driving the stress away, letting the serenity pour through you with every drop.

A book, because books are always magical.  I read myself to sleep nightly to ensure I always get book time,  have the kindle app on my phone when I can sneak in a few minutes.  Even if I only have time for 3 pages, reading remains my longest indulgence.

Movies, movies, movies. I love them. I wish I had more time for them. But that is what makes them an extra special indulgence. And if it gives me a chance to study story lines, build characters and lounge in those super  comfy chairs in the newest theaters, all the better.

Funky art is a great way to indulge the senses and get a kick out of the world. Unusual one-time exhibits, the modern-art museum’s latest exhibit, even a middle school art show.  Seeing colors and images rearranged and played with is a joy, and hard to achieve on  a regular basis.  The photo is from the annual peep art exhibit. That was a blast.

And then there is chocolate.  I can hear you whispering out there that its not guilt-free indulgence. If it is dark enough, with a high enough cocoa content, it is antioxidant fix.   A treat every now and then is necessary par of living. We are, after all, creatures of the senses and those senses have to be feed.  How can this (points to photo below) be anything but guilt-free!

Credit: biglike

And for the last, I’ll go for the guilty indulgence.  A picture is worth 1,000 words.

Credit: Ivanko_Brnjakovic

Do you agree? Can we program guiltless indulgences into our lives? With a guilty every now and then for variety?

2 Replies to “Can Pleasures Be Guiltless? Absolutely, Come Indulge #MFRWauthor #amwriting”

  • I agree with you on the art. It’s amazing to see what people can create. The 3D chalk drawings people do on sidewalks and such, stunning. Or the guy that did creations out of toothpicks. So much talent.

    on a side note, not sure if it’s just me, but the link on the blog list takes me to a blank page.

    • It is amazing what people can create, even minimal resources. Thanks for letting me know about the link. It wasn’t working so I re-entered everything.

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