Hi Everyone,

I’m trying to up my blogging game so I’m committing to 15 scheduled posts in addition to the 2 I already have set up. Definitely a stretch goal for me, so I’m up for it.

Since I’m also signed up for the A to Z blogging challenge, where I am committed to blogging everyday but Sundays in April around the a common theme, this seemed like a sensible thing to do.  In that unsensible way we humans sometimes tend to think.

My theme is complex villains, looking at baddies, and those glimmers of light that may fool us into thinking they may be redeemable. Some are, most aren’t.  But villains, make the hero/heroine react, and if they are not complex, neither are our heroes. I hope you  join me in my journey.

And visit all the other brave challenge participants here.


Sunday, March 5:    I’m rocking. I’ve Scheduled 11 posts (9 for this blog, 2 for other blogs).

Friday, March 10:  I’ve exceeded my commitment. I have 19 posts scheduled (18 for this blog, one for another blog).  I’m going to keep going.

Wednesday, March 15: I have scheduled a total of 21 posts, 20  for this blog and one for another. Exceeded goal. March blogging is complete and I’ve completed 50% of my A to Z challenge post.