Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Long and Short Review Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge.  Our theme today is the person who inspired me. When I first started to mull over this question, my mind flipped through famous people, those who made a mark on the world like Nelson Mandela, Gloria Steinem and Golda Meir. But as I continued to think, I decided to go a different way – to those who I know touched my life directly, and I remember the exact moments they did so.

My 7th grade biology teach Ms. Grubman. What I remember (and this will date me), is her coming into class one and telling us to call her Ms. Grubman, not Mrs. Grubman. It was the time of Gloria Steinem and Ms. Magazine, and women were trying to drop Miss and Mrs. and move to Ms. to eliminate any status difference between married an unmarried women. Like Mr. does for men.

My 7th grade social studies teacher Mr. Goudy. During class, we were involved in a political discussion where I was the only one in class who took one side of a debate. The rest of the class took the other, and he created an environment where I felt heard and appreciated even if no one agreed with me.

My junior high geometry teacher (don’t remember the year) Ms. Morasco who really showed all of us we could do math.

My 11th grade history teacher Mr. Glazer He made history both fun and hard. So when I got my first D on an assignment, he came and talked to me and got me through it. That taught me that sometimes we do fail, but we can get up and keep going. That people don’t think less of us for it, because we tried. It just does not always work out.

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