Green is my g for naivite’ or ignorance even. One of the interesting feature of some dystopian stories is that people don’t always know they are living in one. In some cases, they are kept purposefully ignorant such as in Fahrenheit 451 or, as we will see, in 1984. In other cases, it is more subtle. The population is not truly aware, like in The Giver, the book by Lois Lowry.

In the Giver, people live without pain, suffering but also without color and choices and any past. One person is chosen to keep the memories of the past, and only that person knows of pleasures and pain. Youth are assigned their jobs in life. When the new giver is chosen to be trained, 12 year old Jonas, he learns of this world, and shares it with others, determined to bring the world back to one of choice and pleasure, even if it includes pain.

Population control is key in many dystopias and it plays out in so many creative if horrific ways. How ironic, that Democracy is based on the will of the people, and yet so many dystopias are built on an extreme fear of that will, and a keen need to quelch that will and voice. Why do you think that is?

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