Welcome to The Other Shari, my writer’s blog. I’ll launch this rocket by introducing myself.

Hi. ~waves~

I’m Shari. Like many of way, I toil by day trying to make the world a better place. For my family, my community, because its the right thing to do.photobw213828-full

When the sun sleeps, the ‘other’ Shari emerges. Then I build worlds—on Saturn’s rings, under a lilac bush, in a coral reef. Once the foundations are in place, I pack them full of characters who struggle with multiple identities — shifters, vampires, Olympian gods,
extra-terrestrials (those strangers in a strange land) — because we all struggle to be ourselves, when we have competing instincts, needs, wants, pressures.

In all these wondrous worlds, conflict arises and romance and passion blossom. I cannot resist writing a happy ending, especially for those who have given up on ever getting one.  Books and stories have always stoked the magic in our world.  I don’t know about you, but we could use some magic about now.

Raised on science fiction and fantasy, fueled by coffee and red wine, I write with the moon. Early in the morning, late at night, and in between crises at home. I live, contentedly albeit crazily, with a teen-ager, an adult dog who thinks she’s still a puppy (don’t we all), and the elderly cat who rules the roost.

Tell me about yourself? What fuels you through the day? How crazy are your pets?

And join me on my journey. It’s alway more fun in groups.

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